Stefanie Lansche
is practicing Taiji for more than 30 years, 25 as student of Patrick Kelly, in the tradition of Master Huang Xingxian and Cheng Man Ching. In 1998, she began teaching herself. She is deeply interested in the spiritual teachings of various traditions with emphasis on integrated development and the deeper purpose of our existence. Teaching for her is an obligation towards her teachers and a necessity to deepen her own understanding. When I heard about Taiji for the fist time, at the age of 14, I knew that it has importance for me. With 22 I finally got to take my first class and didn't stopp since. In the beginning it was for the fascinating beauty of the soft and smooth movements. Over time I began to experience the effect of balance and eqanimity in daily life. By now my emphasis in Taiji is the inner development. The practice of Taiji permeates all areas of my life. (Stefanie Lansche, 2013 July)
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